Friday, February 18, 2011

Just Saved 77%

This was over a few stops (and over a few days)
1st transaction: 1 Lysol No Touch Soap dispenser and 1 Edge Shaving gel $3 mf for Lysol $12.43 OOP and $8 in RR
2nd transaction: 1 Lysol No Touch Soap dispenser $3 mf coupon $9.73 OOP and $7 in RR
3rd Transaction: 4 Lysol wipes, 4 Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner, 2 Lysol 4in1 sprays, 2 Lysol 4in1 Concentrates, 1 Valentines peppermint patty (filler). $1 off coupons for every 2 lysol cleaners. B1G1 Free on all of them and used $15 in RR $2.28 OOP.
Total Retail Value: $72.60, oop $24.44, Savings of 67%

1st Transaction: Buy 10 get $3 off now and $3 off later promo.
2 Totino's pizzas, Aluminum Foil, 2 Kraft Mac & Cheese 5 box sets, Windex, Dial body wash, and 3 Ravioli's. Used two $1 off Kraft, $.75/2 Totinos, $.75 off aluminum foil, $1 off windex, $.35/3 Ravioli (tripled) and got $3 off. $13 OOP and $3 for later.
2nd Transaction: Colgate Toothpaste, 2 Ziplock food storages, 4 Knorr Rice, 2 Dove Men body wash, 3 Skittles, 3 Starburst, 26 Propel Waters (not shown). Got the skittles, starbust, colgate, and all waters FREE with coupons. Also used $1.50/2 Ziploc, two $1 off Dove, two $.50/2 Knorr (doubled), and the $3 off from previous transaction, $11.69 OOP
Also bought 88 Propels and got them all FREE with the Buy 10 get $5 off promo and $1/2 peelies on all of them.
Total Retail: $171.42, OOP $26.48, Savings of 85%

2 Clorox Bleach, Smuckers preserves, Jiff PB, Peter Pan PB. Used two $1off Clorox for FREE bleach, Peter pan was $.88 w in store coupon, $.50 off Smuckers and $.50 off Jiff from Monopoly.
Total Retail: $13.14, OOP $5.33, Savings 60%

6 Finish Gelpacs, 2 Always liners, 6 Reese PB cups, 2 Vaseline lotions with Qtips bonus pack, 2 Aquafresh travel, and J&J No more tangles. Used six $2.25 off finish, 3B1G1 Free Reese, two $1 off Aquafresh making them free, $1 off J&J, and $1 Target and $1 mf coupon off each lotion.
Total Retail Value: $35.79, OOP $13.49 Savings 63%

(not shown)
7 Gain Fabric Sheets, 1 card, Misc Stuff, Bread, bananas, Desitin. Used seven $3 off Gain, $5 off Misc Stuff, $1 off Desitin
Total Retail: $33.62, OOP $6.62, Savings of 81%

Dollar General:
4 Gain Fabric Sheets and 1 Finish detergent. Used four $3 off Gain and $1 off Finish
Total Retail: $13.85, OOP $.92, Savings of 94%

So thats a Total Retail Value of $340.42 with an OOP of $77.28 or a Savings of 77% :)

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