Ok...I hear it a lot..."why coupon?" I also hear "it takes too much time" and "You can't save that much"...well, I'm here to explain why I do it and give a few great examples of how you can save big in the long run!! First lets discuss...Time. Yes, it does take time to research coupons, print, clip, sort etc....BUT it doesn't have to. You can get just a Sunday Paper and use only those coupons. It comes once a week and you can sit on a Sunday morning look at the ads, clip the coupons, match them up...all at once. While drinking coffee or eating breakfast. You will eventually start to remember what coupons you have and be able to match up older coupons with newer deals. Also if you follow a website like KCL you will be able to get tons of helpful info on matching up coupons and what stores are having good sales. Personally, I recommend getting online coupons b/c you have more of a variety. I really takes no longer than checking you email....especially if you are just looking to save a few bucks and not go totally crazy and have a stockpile that overtakes your house. :) Not that there is anything wrong with that! :)
Ok....it surprises me how many people don't think they need/could save money with coupons...let me go over a few examples:
Paper Towels:
Let's say you go through a roll of paper towels every week. = 52 Rolls a year. Bounty Paper towels were on sale today for $12.99 for 12 double rolls (or 16 regular rolls) = $.81 a roll. = $42.22 a year
I bought paper towels the other day at Walgreens. Scott Naturals select a size (and yes I know thats not the same brand...this is just an example) They were on sale a 6 pack for $5 = $.83 a roll. Not much more than Bounty BUT Walgreens had a $1 off store coupon AND you could print a $1.50 coupon from Scotts website. So $5 - $1 - $1.50 = $2.50 or $.41 a roll = $21.66 a year Just by spending 5 minutes printing a few coupons!
Toilet Paper:
Lets say you go through a roll in each bathroom every two weeks and you have two bathrooms in your house. 2 rolls in 2 weeks or 1 roll per week or 52 rolls a year. Charmin is usually on sale somewhere around $8 for 12 double rolls = $.66 a roll or $34.66 a year
Angel Soft was on sale at Dollar General for $5 for 12 double rolls = $.42 a roll....they also had $.50 coupons you could print online AND was having a deal that if you spent $25 you could get $5 off....so I bought 5 packs for $18!! Thats a total of 60 rolls of TP at $.30 a roll....
So in less than FIVE minutes I printed a total of 8-10 coupons....went to TWO stores and got enough paper products for ONE year and saved $37.22....thats dinner out for us!!
Thats just two examples.....of saving some money...there are TONS of ways to save even more!! You would be amazed how often you can get FREE toothpaste, food, candy, makeup, medicines, bath products, baby items, and many, many, many other things....just by clipping some coupons and paying attention to the sales!!
More to come...but a certain little girl who hasn't napped today just fell asleep on my shoulder!! :)